B i o g r a p h y
Roger Planer & John Mcburnie’s reputation for strong melodic compositions, quirky humour and unerring visual/narrative sense, has seen their music attached to high profile productions including:
Lee Mack’s prime time sitcom ’Not Going Out’ series 7-13 and Xmas special for Avalon/BBC 1,
RADIO 4’s hit comedy 'Gloomsbury' based on the Bloomsbury set and 'Byron & The Curse Of Sintra'.
Little Brother Production’s BAFTA award winning comedy drama series 'The Revenge Files of Alistair Fury' for BBC1.
Their award winning ‘Nicorette’ advert brought them to the attention of Tiger Aspect, for whom they produced the music for a string of documentaries with Hollywood stars;
‘Fools guide to Movie Comedy' (Tigress) 'The Galapagos Mystery' with Richard Dreyfus, and award winning PBS/ITV documentary 'Orangutangs with Julia Roberts'.
Travel/cookery series 'The United Tastes of America' found them writing music in a range of world music styles for Channel 4.
Working on the Magic Roundabout for Channel 4 and subsequent documentary 'The Return of the Magic Roundabout' opened up a new world of children's drama and animation.
BBC1's best selling 13 part animation series 'Romuald the Reindeer' saw them writing music in the style of early 50's rock and roll.
Projects for Elephant Productions included stop frame animation 'Shrinking Violet' and animated feature film 'Fatherxmas.con'.
For Orchard Books and Puffin, Planer Mcburnie produced soundtracks for CDs of ‘Mr Pusskins’. ‘Little Whiskers’ and the classic children’s story 'Hairy Maclarey’ read by David Tenant.
Working with specialists in relaxation and hypnosis, and focusing on the entire production of self hypnosis CDs, Planer Mcburnie has been able to build up a resource of music for relaxation: exploring the unconscious. relaxation exercises and empowering self confidence.
Asked to revisit music from iconic reggae artists BLACK SLATE and LEVI ROOTS, Planer Mcburnie created new arrangements introducing a brass section and a ska feel giving a new spin on some classic songs.
Planer Mcburnie continue to work on projects with new singers, producing and developing new artists and songwriters.